Habitat Restoration and Protection

Chelan County PUD is collaborating with local, state, and federal governments, tribes, and private landowners to restore and protect salmon and steelhead habitat in the mid-Columbia and its tributaries.

As part of the Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) Tributary Program, the utility funds projects to help protect and enhance salmon and steelhead spawning, rearing and migration. These projects will help the PUD meet its HCP commitment of “no-net-impact” on migrating fish.

The funding area includes the Columbia River watershed from Chief Joseph Dam tailrace to Rock Island Dam tailrace (called the Upper Columbia Region).

Potential projects could include, but are not limited to, bank and shoreline restoration, removing migration barriers, enhancing stream flows, native riparian plantings, wetland restoration, constructing in-stream habitat structures, acquiring conservation easements or other means to preserve critical flood plain properties, and reconnecting relic side channels to provide rearing habitat.

Any individual or group can propose a tributary project through either of two funding options. The General Salmon Habitat Program will fund projects costing $100,000 or more. The Small Projects Program is for projects costing less than $100,000 and is designed to encourage community groups working in cooperation with landowners.