Mountain Home Rd. Electrical Upgrades

UPDATE – August 22, 2024

Thank you for your patience while crews continue to perform work to upgrade the electrical system in the Mountain Home Rd. area..

  • Work has been progressing on the Mountain Home Road electrical upgrade project.
  • The number of large rocks in the ground has been making a lot of work for our crews.
  • We anticipate dirt work will continue through mid to late September.
  • Traffic impacts will remain through the dirt work.
  • PUD crews will remain in the area pulling wire for a few weeks after dirt work is complete
  • Dirt work has been completed on the FIRST SECTION (yellow) of the project. PUD crews are pulling wire through the newly installed conduit for the next 4 weeks.
  • Dirt work began on the SECOND SECTION (green) of the project on in early July. This is the area from the canal to Nighthawk Ridge Ln.
  • There continue to be significant traffic impacts, please read below for more information.
  • Working hours will be Monday - Thursday, 7am-5pm.
  • We will continue to update residents and partners in this area through the duration of the project.
  • The traffic schedule might change through project. If you didn’t receive an email from us about this project, please sign up for email updates on the form at the bottom of this page. 

TRAFFIC IMPACTS - July-September 

  • Traffic impacts will continue through the remaining dirt work. That includes full road closures for 45 min. at a time. We will open the road at the top of each hour for 15 min.
  • These traffic plans will be in place during working hours only - MONDAY-THURSDAY, 7am-5pm. The road will remain open when work is not being performed. 
  • The project is scheduled to finish in mid to late September. 
  • When we are, we will move to 1-lane, flagger-controlled traffic in some areas. We will continue to keep you informed throughout the duration of the project.
  • There will also be a reader board along Mountain Home Rd. with the latest traffic impacts.


Mountain Home Rd graphic
Questions? Please email or call (509) 661-8563.

¿Preguntas? Si tiene preguntas en español por favor llame al (509) 661-4081 o mande sus preguntas a

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