Donate your Chelan PUD rebate to local nonprofits to improve the quality of life in Chelan County. Chelan PUD has partnered with the
Community Foundation of NCW to offer the option to Pay-It-Forward.
When you apply for a rebate for energy-efficient upgrades to your business, simply choose how much of your rebate you'd like to donate. It's a win-win-win!
✔️ Support your local community
✔️ Highlight your environmental stewardship
✔️ Lower your operating and maintenance costs for years
Plus, it's easy to participate.
How It Works
Step #1. Improve Your Energy Efficiency
Make energy efficient improvements that qualify for Chelan PUD's incentive program.
Bonus: These improvements also help you reduce your operating and maintenance (O&M) costs for years to come.
Step #2. Apply for a PUD Incentive
Complete your PUD incentive application and assign your rebate (or a portion of it) to Pay-It-Forward.
Your rebate (or the portion you choose on your form) will be paid to the Community Foundation of NCW, who manages your donations. Any remaining rebate will be paid to your organization.
Step #3. Support Your Favorite Local Causes!
Your donation will be loaded on a giving card from the Community Foundation of NCW.
Choose how to split your donation between your favorite local nonprofits in the Community Foundation's online donor portal.
Giving Is Easy
100% of your donation goes to the local nonprofits you choose. Chelan PUD partners with the Community Foundation of NCW to take care of all the details:
✔️ You'll receive a Giving Card with online portal access, so you decide how much of your donation goes to your favorite local nonprofit(s). You can choose to give to one organization or many, or to support a specific campaign, such as Give NCW.
✔️ You'll be sent a receipt for your tax deductible donation from the Community Foundation.
✔️ You decide your level of donor recognition.
Pay-It-Forward Recognition
Your donations help improve the quality of life in Chelan County—the mission of Chelan PUD. To honor your generous contributions, your organization may be*:
✔️ Highlighted on the Pay-It-Forward Donor Roll in the foyer at Chelan PUD's new headquarters
✔️ Featured in a Chelan PUD #PayItForward social media post
✔️ Included in the annual Pay-It-Forward bulletin to Chelan County customers
Additionally, we frequently spotlight local business participants in our monthly e-newsletter, Lightly, and energy-efficiency case studies on our website.
Your selected nonprofit(s) may also recognize your donation in their own unique way.
*Prefer to give anonymously? Simply select that option on your PUD incentive application, and we'll adjust your recognition based on your preferences.

Have Questions?
Contact Drew Thompson, Chelan PUD commercial energy advisor, for questions on business upgrades, PUD incentives, and how to apply for your rebate at (509) 661-8560 or
For questions on the donation process and local nonprofits, please contact the Community Foundation of NCW at (509) 663-7716 or