Imagine 2075

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Our Public Power Legacy 

Nearly 90 years ago, the Chelan County Public Utility District was formed after a vote of the people. Seventy years ago, a series of courageous decisions were made that set our course and put into motion the evolution of the District into a premier provider of clean energy in the Pacific Northwest and as a trusted supplier of other essential utility services including water, wastewater treatment, and broadband. Our assets and strong financial position allow us to measurably improve and enhance the quality of life in our community. This compelling call to action defines our work and points to a central focus: public service – we are owned by the people we serve.  

Legacy is broadly defined as anything handed down from the past. What are we doing with the gifts we’ve inherited and how are we being good ancestors and stewards to those that come after us? Chelan PUD’s 50-year visioning process (Imagine 2075) will help us answer those questions and best align us for a resilient and prosperous future.  

Please join us on this quest.   

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