The Story

The five-year Strategic Plan adopted in 2015 identified a critical need for the PUD to invest in its assets, including facilities, and its people. Strategic investments had been made during the previous 80 years in the revenue-generating hydroelectric projects, but the other facilities owned and maintained by the PUD had simply evolved over time to meet the needs of a growing county and expanding customer services.

Initial analysis showed that 16 percent of the District’s assets were its buildings – some as old 100 years! The Commissioner adopted the 2015-2019 Strategic Plan and asked staff to develop a strategic facilities plan that would produce the following:

  • Provide the best financial value for customer-owners
  • Provide the best service to customer-owners
  • Provide the highest level of safety for customer-owners and employees 


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Image of Service Center Time Line     Service Center Virtual Open House Slide     Service Center Virtual House Purpose of the Study slide